When new members join, Richmond County Amateur Radio Club, NC, gifts them with a new HT pre-programmed by Mark Dawkins, N4CMD, with useful frequencies and local repeaters.
Bryan Hall passed his Technician exam at the April test session held by Richmond County Amateur Radio Club VE Team and joined the club.
At the May club meeting, Club President Mark Dawkins of Rockingham (photo right) presents Bryan Hall of Rockingham a new radio for becoming a member of the club.
The club meets on the second Saturday of every month and is open to licensed hams and those interested in amateur radio hobby. The next no-charge amateur radio exam is July 20, 2024, at 10:00 AM. Email VE Team Leader Mark Gibson for test details and study tips. markgibson6822@gmail.com
Amateur radio is a great family activity, open to all ages and has licensed blind and disabled persons.