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RCARC VE Testing update

Members of the Richmond County Volunteer Examiner team ran through a practice session this morning after the regular club meeting. The goal of the session was to provide more experience and training in the new electronic testing. Two attendees preparing for next Saturday’s actual test session did a practice session today to help the members work out the kinks.

Electronic testing will provide a smoother and more error-free testing experience for applicant’s and VEs alike. Paper testing will always be an option for those who prefer it.

Thanks to the Richmond County VE Team we had a great practice exam using the Exam Tools computer aided exams after the regular club meeting The team consisted of KA4AMD, KG4GSA, N4CMD, K8OJR, N4MQU and official observer our club Sec/Trs KC4ZIE.

This event was a practice run for our next exam on July 20.    Two who attended the meeting sat in as applicants. If you know anyone wishing to take the exam have them register at Find an Exam Session.

Post & photos submitted by Mark Gibson, N4MQU

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