photos by Mark Gibson N4MQU
RCARC VE Team’s Saturday session welcomed in two new hams and upgraded two more. Congratulations to all for their diligent preparation and patience during the session.
This was our first fully digital test session run and managed with club equipment. It’s a new age in testing. Smoother check ins, instantaneous grading and almost no paper shuffling all make for a faster and more efficient test session.
From our larger RCARC VE team, Team Leader Mark Gibson N4MQU and VEs Mike Litty KA4AMP, Mark Dawkins N4CMD, Andy Baucom N4ANB and Fred Lathan KG4GSA worked together to provide a positive testing experience. Afterward we all shared suggestions that will improve the next session as we strive to provide the best testing and upgrade experience.
Anyone wishing to upgrade their license or earn their initial license is encouraged to check HamsStudy.org for a test session near you. Details about RCVET sessions are on our testing page. Our next session will be October 19, 2024.
Many thanks to Richmond County Emergency Management for allowing the use of the facility for club meetings and test sessions.