The Richmond County Amateur Radio VE Team is part of the Laurel Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. Laurel VEC is committed to providing exams at no cost to applicants. Your test session is free.
The FCC charges a $35 applications fee. Successful applicants will receive an email from the FCC with instructions on how to pay their application fee. No fees will be collected at the test session.
On exam day, doors open at 9:30 a.m. Testing begins at 10:00 a.m. Preregistration is strongly encouraged but not required. Preregister at HamStudy.org. Walk-ins are welcome and should arrive early to allow time for registration.
Six electronic test stations are available and will be offered first to preregistered applicants. When the electronic stations are no longer available, paper testing will be offered.

Ron Adams KW4RON upgrades to General and Thomas Fisher KQ4UAC joins his friend in the hobby.
photo by Mark Gibson N4MQU
Upcoming Test Sessions
- March 15
- June 21
- September 20
- December 20
Laurel VEC has an extensive FAQ that will address most of your licensure and testing questions. Any additional questions may be sent to the RCVET Leader, Mark Gibson N4MQU, n4mqu@me.com.
What to bring
- State or government-issued photo ID
- Youth without photo IDs may be tested providing that they can prove their identity to the satisfaction of the members of the VE team. Typically, this would be a parent or guardian with a photo ID.
- FCC Registration Number (FRN)
- Ham Study Pre-registration PIN (preferred) or arrive early to register at the session.

photo by Mark Gibson N4MQU
- Official copy of your License or unexpired CSCE if a recently licensed operator. For other options see the Laurel VEC FAQ.
What to expect on exam day
Upon arrival VEs will check your ID and other documents as needed, check you in to the electronic test session, and direct you to an exam station.
Electronic exam stations are equipped with a tablet or similar device, calculator, pencils and scrap paper. Additionally, each applicant will be provided a printout of the diagrams that may appear on their exam and a short, printed set of instructions.
If technical issues prevent electronic testing, a pencil and paper test will be administered.
Once all applicants are seated, a VE will read a scripted introduction providing information about the application and exam process.
At the conclusion of a successful session, you will leave with a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE).
TIP: When you pass your Tech or General, you will be immediately provided an opportunity to take the next exam. Given the overlap in material in Tech and General, those testing for Tech are strongly encouraged to at least consider studying for General as well. There is no additional fee for the second exam and, if you pass both, the FCC only charges one $35 fee. You can go from no license to General or even Extra in one session. If you pass all three, the FCC still only charges one $35 fee. Even if you don’t study for it, there’s no harm in trying the next level exam as long as time allows.
RCVET makes every effort to be inclusive and will provide testing accommodations to the best of our ability with available resources. Please email VE Team Leader Mark Gibson N4MQU with accommodation request at least a week in advance of the test session to allow time for the VE team to make arrangements. Late requests will be honored to the best of our ability.