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Net Script

old style microphone
Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Thursday Night Rag-chew Net Script (PDF)

Good evening, and welcome to the Richmond County Amateur Radio Club weekly 2 meter rag-chew net. This is (YOUR CALLSIGN), my name is (YOUR NAME), and I am located in (YOUR QTH).

This net meets every Thursday at 8:00pm local time, and is located on 146.955 MHz with an 88.5 kHz tone. We also have our “Good Morning Friends” net, which is conducted on Saturday mornings at 09:30, with the exception of our monthly meeting days. All amateurs licensed for this frequency are invited and encouraged to participate.

This net may be superseded in time of emergency by skywarn or other emergency traffic. With that said, is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time? If so, call (YOUR CALLSIGN), net control.

Acknowledge and pass any emergency or priority traffic. Offer option again.

At this time, are there any announcements for the good or welfare of the net? If so, please call (YOUR CALLSIGN), net control.

Acknowledge and offer option again.

At this time, we will move on with the net. When checking in, please call (YOUR CALLSIGN), let the repeater drop, then give your callsign, name and QTH. Please speak slowly so that I may copy.

We will start with short-time or mobile stations. Any short-time or mobile stations, alpha thru zulu, please call (YOUR CALLSIGN) now.

Take check-ins, offer option again. If there is even one check-in, offer the option to check-in mobile or short-time again.

Thanks to the mobile and short time stations that checked in. We hope that you will join us again next week. At this time, we will move to regular roll call. All stations wishing to check in, alpha thru zulu, please call (YOUR CALLSIGN), net control. Please remember to speak slowly so that I may copy.

Take check-ins, offer option again. If there is even one check-in, offer the option to check-in again.

(Call and Name), what do you have for us this evening?

Thank individual by name, repeat, working down the list.

At this time, does anyone else wish to check into the Richmond County Amateur Radio Club rag-chew net? If so, please call (YOUR CALLSIGN), net control.

Take check-ins, if any. And continue until there are no additional checkins and all checkins have had a chance to provide an update.

I would like to thank everyone for joining us tonight. Please join us again next Thursday at 8:00pm local time when we will call this rag chew net back into session. You may learn more about the club, including upcoming testing sessions by visiting We meet at 9:30am, the second Saturday of each month. Contact club leadership through the website at K4RNC.ORG for details. This is (YOUR CALLSIGN), returning the repeater to regular amateur use. 73 to everyone.

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